Persian Cat

At a glance...

Weight                  7 - 12lbs

Life Span              10 - 15 years

Intelligence         3/5

Playfulness          2/5

Shedding              5/5

Kid friendly         2/5

Vocalness            3/5

Affectionate       3/5

General Health  2/5

Grooming            Daily

More About the Breed...


The Persian Cat is an old breed thought to have originated in Mesopotamia. originally it had silky, shiny grey fur but due to selective breeding now has a wide range of colours. 

The breed appeared at the Crystal Palace 1871 cat show the 'Persian-type' cat was shown and became a favourite of Queen Victoria which increased its popularity. Through selective breeding the cat became the Persians we see today.


They are a medium sized cat although the thick, long plentiful coat can make them appear a lot bigger than they are.


The Persian is quiet, sedate and affectionate to its family members. They like to play but are also happy to sit and be petted.  They are unlikely to run up your curtains or seek out the top of high cupboards preferring to rule the house from the floor and chair level.


Persians are prone to several health issues usually related to their facial structure. Among these can be:

  • Breathing difficulty
  • Dental issues
  • Eye conditions and tearing
  • Kidney disease


Their coat needs daily grooming with a monthly bath also a good idea. They also like a clean litter tray and are likely to stop using it if it doesn't meet their cleanliness standards.

Excessive tearing can be an issue leading to staining of the coat, so eyes should also be gently wiped daily.

Ideally the Persian should be kept as an indoor cat. They are not a fighter and could be injured in a battle for territory with local cats. They will also attract dirt so if you let them out be prepared to do additional grooming to remove dirt and debris such as leaves.

Children and Other Pets

Persians are not suitable for a busy household with exuberant children. Likewise, they can live with other quiet pets but not with a dog that chases them.

Do you own a Persian? We would like to include members real life experiences with living with a Persian. If you would be interested in writing something for this page please contact us.